Über den/die Autor*in
Mitglied seit 20. Feb 2024
Veröffentlichte Blogs (12)
29 Jahre, Frau, Heterosexuell
Dick, 160cm, 88kg
Deutschland (Mitteleuropäisch)
Things I love about sex work - part 2

So here comes the second and final part of my essay about what makes pay dates for me so tantalizing, for the first part, please check out my blog history.

So, what else do I love about sex work..?

- the creativity that comes with having to promote yourself. Writing blogs and ads, taking different type of pictures, roleplaying, and learning about marketing in general and applying it to your specific niche is fun, enlightening and doesn't require a huge investment.

- the adventure of meeting new people.

Specifically men, I like men and I like sex and catering to their sexual fantasies and desires. I enjoy getting to know someone new, exploring their turn ons and offs, as well as learning about their emotional needs and what they lack in life and how I can be of service to them. Every new person I meet is like a whole new world that I get to explore.

- the secret, double life.

I have to admit that I enjoy being a bit of a mystery to my colleagues and acquaintances. There is something about having a dirty little secret that gives me a spring in my step. Without it my life would be a lot less exciting  and much more humdrum and boring.

- the novelty and kink

Sex work gives me the opportunity to explore my own sexuality and sensual boundaries. I have tried quite a number of things, which, without compensation, I would have never even considered. This way I was able to figure out what I really enjoy, beyond the conventional sex practices, and what I would rather avoid. Often the time spent with my lovers also keeps inspiring me beyond the booked session, when I am lying alone in my bed at night and let my hands roam freely...

- the hypergamy

I think it is pretty much hard-wired in us women to seek out the man that earns the most and has the highest possible status to settle down and mate with. Superficial but true, it is also what excites me about sex work. The men I sleep with tend to be high achievers, and well off, and mostly married. Yes, they are taken, they earned their wife, and their lifestyle and their "part time" mistresses. I may never settle down with such a man, but with my rate I make sure to at least sleep with them and have them provide for me, and that is almost as good as being hitched to one of them.

So that's it, those are my ten reasons for loving sex work. What do you think? Why do you love your work? Or from a clients perspective, why do you love hiring escorts? Love to hear about it.

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