Über den/die Autor*in
Mitglied seit 20. Feb 2024
Veröffentlichte Blogs (12)
29 Jahre, Frau, Heterosexuell
Dick, 160cm, 88kg
Deutschland (Mitteleuropäisch)
How many frogs you have to kiss until meeting a prince?

My number is around 4. 

Yes, on average I have to schedule 10 dates to meet two real men. Often I am very "busy" dating nobody despite having a full schedule. I don't trust my schedule, I trust confirmations, although they are also not fool proof. Some girls schedule nobody and operate last minute, I schedule everybody and just forget about the fantasy bookers until the end of the day when I block them for disrespecting my time. The men who really want to meet me will remember me and my guidelines.

Fellow escorts, how do you deal with time wasters and what's your number of frogs?

You have to kiss many frogs until one turns out to be a prince :-))

23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Zeira But isn't it even worse to kiss a prince who turns out to be a frog? :)
23. Feb 2024Antworten

Well, since I get a deposit as a sign of seriousness, 9 out of 10. However, I wouldn't use the phrase "prince".

23. Feb 2024Antworten
@HeiligeBimbam I tried asking for deposits for foot fetish dates, but nobody wanted to comply so I gave up that idea. I think it is easier to get a deposit if you are well established.
23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 Dear Minette, try to be patient. You only have been here for just three days. Give the prince a chance.
23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Rodekamp That's very sweet. Yes, I have been here for just few days but I experimented with SW in the past on another ad platform. Unfortunately deposits are not very common here in Germany, that's why fantasy bookers are part of the deal. There is a lot of truth to the saying "put your money where your mouth is,, but I am still holding on for the few princes. :)
23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 And - by the way - I think you made an excellent profile. I'm sure there will be many princes .
23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Rodekamp thanks a lot. I hope so. I'd be perfectly happy with just two per week.
23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 Hi there :) That's true. I hadn't considered that you are brand new here. As a ***ster on KM, it is certainly difficult to enforce a down payment. I'm not sure, but I guess only Plus members can contact you in the first 14 days. Have you also noticed that the clientele varies enormously from platform to platform? The tonality that works on one platform fails on another. Give yourself a few days to find your way around. I'm afraid you won't find any princes here. But you will certainly find one or another really remarkable man. :-)
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@HeiligeBimbam I have just been on one other platform and I didn't notice a lot of difference regarding the clients I attract but i didn't talk to a lot of men yet. I like it here because we are more than just an ad on this site, it is easier to appear multidimensional and to express yourself, and to find the right fit. With princes I don't mean a bunch of Richard Gere Wanna be's, I am no princess and I don't want to be, I just hope to find a few wealthy regulars to keep me company from time to time.
24. Feb 2024Antworten

Warum wird hier Englisch geschrieben? Ihr seid doch alle deutschsprachig lt. Eurer Profile.

23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Himmmbaer I was hoping to get in touch with some foreign escorts and clients. Und fast jeder der online ist kann Englisch heutzutage.
23. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 Trotzdem ist die Sprache hier immer noch deutsch! Und ich gebe Himmelbär recht. Wo bleiben die ach so guten Deutschkentnisse auch der ausländischen Escorts?
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@HeissserEngel Are you the language police?
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minentte08 Nöh aber ich mag keine Menschen die in Deutschland leben und nicht deutsch sprechen oder schreiben! Und das ist nicht rassistisch gemeint
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@HeissserEngel Das frage ich mich aber bei den deutschen Escorts auch sehr oft.
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 : Gut, dann parliere weiterhin so wie es Dir Spass macht.
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@HeissserEngel : Ich bin ja auch dafür, daß Frau und Mann hier deutsch schreiben sollte, aber wenn Sie denn partout nicht will, dann ist es eben so. Übrigens "Himmelbär" ist auch ein schöner Name.
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@Himmmbaer Oh da hab ich wohl zu schnell gelesen....lach
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@HeissserEngel : Alles gut, passiert schon mal ... mir auch.
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 : Besonders konsequent bist Du aber nicht. Gerade mal ein Satz in Deinem Profil ist in Englisch geschrieben.
24. Feb 2024Antworten
@Minette08 Vielen Dank für diesen sympathischen Konter! 😋❤️
25. Mar 2024Antworten

Fantastic reaction:-)))))) You made my day. No further comment.. But please, as the others already wrote... wait for the princes

23. Feb 2024Antworten
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