‘Ma belle, Lizelle’ würde man in Frankreich sagen. Aber nicht nur dort dreht man sich nach dieser Schönheit um. Die verführerische Lizelle lebt und arbeitet in Wien und ist zum ersten Mal in unserem Adventskalender mit dabei. Wir freuen uns auf ein kleines Tête-à-tête mit ihr heute und hoffen, dass unser erstes englisches Interview mit ihr die Herzen höher schlagen lässt.
KM-Team: Welcome to the advent calendar of Kaufmich, Lizelle. This calendar is a yearly must-have on Kaufmich and we are happy you’re joining us for the first time. Has 2023 been kind to you?
Lizelle: Yes, of course – this year of Bunny or Cat by Chinese horoscope was with its own vibes and I’m happy to participate in this interview.
KM-Team: You are originally from Lithuania. How long have you been in Vienna and what is it that you love about Austria so much?
Lizelle: I’m in Vienna not very long, but it’s enough to fall in love with this beautiful city with a special atmosphere. For example – Schönbrunn, Opera, different museums, galleries, beautiful parks, authentic cafes and restaurants. It’s just a beautiful place!
KM-Team: One of Kaufmich’s values is empowering sex workers around the globe. How do you feel about this topic? Do you think the world should be less prejudice towards sex work?
Lizelle: Yes, I agree that the world should be less prejudice towards sex work. It must be modern and human sight to sex work. Because sex workers are also humans and don’t deserve to get shamed or victim blaming.
KM-Team: Your trust-level on your profile is very high - how much does this matter to you and what does trust mean in this business?
Lizelle: Trust level is very important for this business. It shows that the girl is verified and already has reviews. If reviews have high levels – it would help members to make decisions and arrange a meeting. Of course it helps me to make good communication with potential clients.
KM-Team: I saw that you only meet clients at their homes or in a hotel. How do you safeguard yourself on your dates? Do you let someone know where you are?
Lizelle: Of course I care about my own security and use good lifehacks. For example, to avoid fake bookings I ask for a photo of the room card and photo of the room door with room number. About apartments – the same. This way I can be sure that the potential client is real and it will be possible to check the address.
KM-Team: Any words of advice for any new starters on Kaufmich? Now’s your chance…
Lizelle: Be yourself, use your own photos. Try to search your own image. Show your best sides. About payments - I don’t recommend using PayPal – man could be unfair and get it back easily. The same I can say about crypto payments and Revolut – there are a lot of scammers.
Or, for example, if a man asks a girl to fly to Paris without a short meeting before – it’s also a bad sign. In Paris there are a lot of girls – if he didn’t find someone there , it’s a suspicious man. Because the next step would be asking for a video call. Normal and serious clients never ask it. Also if a man asks to fly to another country and to book a hotel on the girls name because he is married/very famous/ has business there/ it’s a small town - it’s not a client. Be careful and have good luck!
KM-Team: Indeed, VERY helpful tips for all escorts to know! Thank you for being one of our new Advent stars this year, Lizelle. Enjoy your Christmas and hope your 2024 will be fantastic!
Have you always wanted to go to the Christmas markets at Rathausplatz or Schönbrunn with one of the most beautiful escort ladies in Vienna? - now that's your opportunity. Arrange a date with Lizelle right away and book your trip to Austria / Vienna!
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